Sunday, February 22, 2009

Sunflowers Painting Value

Racism all'Italiana

Gentlemen, I do not know if you notice every time, living your life, but every day we are spectators of a racist world. When we

Italian citizens (especially if Padani) send our children to kindergarten rightly pay the line and we are often asked for our statement of income as a foreign national who sends her child to kindergarten is free from any straight line ( because we pay it to him). When we

Italian citizens (especially if Padani) go to the hospital for any reason we are obliged to submit our papers, health card e anche a pagare qualche visita mentre uno straniero no.

Quando noi cittadini Italiani (sopratutto se Padani) necessitiamo per problemi economici di un appartamento popolare o di supporti comunali veniamo per secondi, dopo gli stranieri e i meridionali del brutto stampo.

Noi cittadini Italiani (sopratutto se Padani) abbiamo il diritto e sopratutto il dovere di mantenere pulita la nostra zona di residenza o via o quartiere mentre gli stranieri sembrano godere della loro sporcizia.

Signori, logicamente non si può fare di tutta l'erba un fascio, ma non possiamo far finta di non vedere la realtà. I nostri tanti operai, muratori, ecc... non fanno la stessa strada di un operaio o muratore straniero per andare a lavoro? Non mangia anche lui come noi? Non abbiamo una famiglia da mantenere pure noi? E allora perchè li dobbiamo ritenere inferiori?

Noi stiamo suicidandoci nel nostro egoismo e finto pietismo per regalare a persone straniere irrispettose e menefreghiste il nostro futuro.

Signori, qui non si predica l'intolleranza, ma un principio cristiano.
Siamo riconoscenti con chi ci ha preceduto e amiamo chi ci succederà.

E' nostro (in fondo piacevole) dovere quello di curare la nostra terra, i nosti padri, i nostri figli e i nostri ospiti quindi lavoriamo con RISPETTO, RIGORE e UMILTA'.


Sunflowers Painting Value

Racism all'Italiana

Gentlemen, I do not know if you notice every time, living your life, but every day we are spectators of a racist world. When we

Italian citizens (especially if Padani) send our children to kindergarten rightly pay the line and we are often asked for our statement of income as a foreign national who sends her child to kindergarten is free from any straight line ( because we pay it to him). When we

Italian citizens (especially if Padani) go to the hospital for any reason we are obliged to submit our papers, health card e anche a pagare qualche visita mentre uno straniero no.

Quando noi cittadini Italiani (sopratutto se Padani) necessitiamo per problemi economici di un appartamento popolare o di supporti comunali veniamo per secondi, dopo gli stranieri e i meridionali del brutto stampo.

Noi cittadini Italiani (sopratutto se Padani) abbiamo il diritto e sopratutto il dovere di mantenere pulita la nostra zona di residenza o via o quartiere mentre gli stranieri sembrano godere della loro sporcizia.

Signori, logicamente non si può fare di tutta l'erba un fascio, ma non possiamo far finta di non vedere la realtà. I nostri tanti operai, muratori, ecc... non fanno la stessa strada di un operaio o muratore straniero per andare a lavoro? Non mangia anche lui come noi? Non abbiamo una famiglia da mantenere pure noi? E allora perchè li dobbiamo ritenere inferiori?

Noi stiamo suicidandoci nel nostro egoismo e finto pietismo per regalare a persone straniere irrispettose e menefreghiste il nostro futuro.

Signori, qui non si predica l'intolleranza, ma un principio cristiano.
Siamo riconoscenti con chi ci ha preceduto e amiamo chi ci succederà.

E' nostro (in fondo piacevole) dovere quello di curare la nostra terra, i nosti padri, i nostri figli e i nostri ospiti quindi lavoriamo con RISPETTO, RIGORE e UMILTA'.


Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Big Builders In Trivandrum


Non ci ha ripensato. Walter Veltroni nel primo pomeriggio ha confirmed his resignation as secretary of the Democratic Party presented Tuesday morning to coordinate the party dedicated to electoral defeat of the center in Sardinia . "After a discussion of several hours, the Secretary decided to maintain the orientation and expressed this morning to resign as secretary of the National Democratic Party," announced the spokesman of the party, Andrea Orlando. Wednesday at 11 in a press conference Veltroni will explain the reasons for his resignation.

"If you are a problem for many, are ready to go for the good of the party. I take my responsibilities and beyond. Just get hurt, I resign to save the project to which I have always believed, "he said Veltroni in the morning, picking up the" no "of party leaders and the invitation to think again. But in the early afternoon, the political conditions for Veltroni have not changed and the former mayor of Rome has confirmed his departure. The leadership of the Democratic Party had in fact rejected the resignation of Veltroni in the morning, confirming full confidence. The leader of the Democrats chose to take some 'time to reflect and decide. The coordination meeting was adjourned at 15.30 just to give the Secretary a moment of reflection. But Veltroni has then changed its mind, despite his proposal to reinstate the mandate had been unanimously rejected by the coordination of the party, during which Secretary of the Democrats would have explained that the PD is paying the price of division and distinction continues, even confessing that he has already done a lot of effort to manage this final stage.

Adapted from

Big Builders In Trivandrum


Non ci ha ripensato. Walter Veltroni nel primo pomeriggio ha confirmed his resignation as secretary of the Democratic Party presented Tuesday morning to coordinate the party dedicated to electoral defeat of the center in Sardinia . "After a discussion of several hours, the Secretary decided to maintain the orientation and expressed this morning to resign as secretary of the National Democratic Party," announced the spokesman of the party, Andrea Orlando. Wednesday at 11 in a press conference Veltroni will explain the reasons for his resignation.

"If you are a problem for many, are ready to go for the good of the party. I take my responsibilities and beyond. Just get hurt, I resign to save the project to which I have always believed, "he said Veltroni in the morning, picking up the" no "of party leaders and the invitation to think again. But in the early afternoon, the political conditions for Veltroni have not changed and the former mayor of Rome has confirmed his departure. The leadership of the Democratic Party had in fact rejected the resignation of Veltroni in the morning, confirming full confidence. The leader of the Democrats chose to take some 'time to reflect and decide. The coordination meeting was adjourned at 15.30 just to give the Secretary a moment of reflection. But Veltroni has then changed its mind, despite his proposal to reinstate the mandate had been unanimously rejected by the coordination of the party, during which Secretary of the Democrats would have explained that the PD is paying the price of division and distinction continues, even confessing that he has already done a lot of effort to manage this final stage.

Adapted from

Friday, February 6, 2009

Fotos Of Littelest Pet Shop

Safety Decree

A pprovato the SAFE bill in the Senate. Here are the main contents:
Here are the amendments to the Senate: * strengthen the

41a: Increase the duration to four years of restrictive measures for those accused of crimes of the Mafia and the Camorra.
* the arrest FOR RAPIST: those who commit sexual violence, even on minors, sexual oviolenza gruppoverrà always referred to the precautionary measure in prison. There will also be stopping in the act.
CONTRIBUTIONS * on the residence permit: the amount will be determined by decree of the Ministry of Interior in cooperation with the Ministry of Economy. The figure will be between 80 and 200 €. *
contribution of 200 € for the application for citizenship. *
against marriages of convenience, we introduce the requirement for a residence permit. * INTRODUCTION OF
crime of illegal immigration 'to the entry and stay.
* DUTY TESTING OF LANGUAGE AND CULTURE General to issue a residence card.
* POTERI PER I SINDACI DI SUBORDINARE RICHIESTA di residenza e variazioni anagrafiche al controllo igienico sanitario dell'abitazione dello straniero.
* RICONGIUNGIMENTO FAMILIARE subordinato a un alloggio che abbia idoneità abitativa e condizioni igienico sanitarie adeguate. Anche qui il potere di controllo è affidato ai sindaci.
* LEGITTIMATE LE RONDE PADANE: le critiche alle ronde non hanno più alcun valore morale ne' sociale.
* LIBERTA' PER I MEDICI DI DENUNCIARE I CLANDESTINI: la nuova legge sulla gestione del pronto soccorso che prima obbligava i medici a non denunciare i clandestini ora li rende liberi di farlo oppure no.

* Willy Rs

Fotos Of Littelest Pet Shop

Safety Decree

A pprovato the SAFE bill in the Senate. Here are the main contents:
Here are the amendments to the Senate: * strengthen the

41a: Increase the duration to four years of restrictive measures for those accused of crimes of the Mafia and the Camorra.
* the arrest FOR RAPIST: those who commit sexual violence, even on minors, sexual oviolenza gruppoverrà always referred to the precautionary measure in prison. There will also be stopping in the act.
CONTRIBUTIONS * on the residence permit: the amount will be determined by decree of the Ministry of Interior in cooperation with the Ministry of Economy. The figure will be between 80 and 200 €. *
contribution of 200 € for the application for citizenship. *
against marriages of convenience, we introduce the requirement for a residence permit. * INTRODUCTION OF
crime of illegal immigration 'to the entry and stay.
* DUTY TESTING OF LANGUAGE AND CULTURE General to issue a residence card.
* POTERI PER I SINDACI DI SUBORDINARE RICHIESTA di residenza e variazioni anagrafiche al controllo igienico sanitario dell'abitazione dello straniero.
* RICONGIUNGIMENTO FAMILIARE subordinato a un alloggio che abbia idoneità abitativa e condizioni igienico sanitarie adeguate. Anche qui il potere di controllo è affidato ai sindaci.
* LEGITTIMATE LE RONDE PADANE: le critiche alle ronde non hanno più alcun valore morale ne' sociale.
* LIBERTA' PER I MEDICI DI DENUNCIARE I CLANDESTINI: la nuova legge sulla gestione del pronto soccorso che prima obbligava i medici a non denunciare i clandestini ora li rende liberi di farlo oppure no.

* Willy Rs