Da www.corriere.it:
Il presidente del Consiglio, Silvio Berlusconi, che ha firmato lo stato d'emergenza (mobilitando esercito, aeronautica e carabinieri) e ha affidato la gestione a Guido Bertolaso, ha canceled the planned official visit to Moscow and immediately went to the Eagle along with Interior Minister Roberto Maroni, and Infrastructure and Transport, Matteoli. The Head of Civil Protection, who arrived in Abruzzo in the early hours after the earthquake, spoke of a "tragic situation, the worst incident of this early millennium." After arriving in L'Aquila, Berlusconi held a press conference to first take stock of the situation. "In the air I have seen that wherever there is a collapse, there is someone who helps. No one will be left alone, "said the Prime Minister, announcing among other things, the immediate appropriation of funds to meet the emergency.
Both Benedict XVI is the President of the Republic, Giorgio Napolitano, sent messages of sympathy to the earthquake victims. And so did the heads of state and government of other nations. The news immediately went around the world and was reported to be opening in all major international news sites. Fast and the messages they have received via the web.
The head of Civil Protection, Guido Bertolaso, said it was impossible to predict the earthquake, but the controversy already raging for the last week warned about an impending shock researcher Giuliani, then brought under investigation for alarm.
Apart from all Italian regions, offers of help came from many countries and the European Commission. "At this moment we can say that the Italian car is perfectly able to cope with the demands," said Agostino Miozzo, director of civil protection. "If in the course of the operations were to have problems, our friends would be ready to intervene." Ferdinando Nelli Feroci, Italian representative at the EU, said that Rome has requested assistance from the European solidarity fund for natural disasters.
express my solidarity with the many families affected by the disaster, hoping that the government implement measures quickly and efficiently (the Board extraordinary ministers is still in progress), and I want to emphasize that federalism does not mean indifference. Well-being and economic aid to the Abruzzo region in particular, but also to all other areas that were affected by the earthquake.
* Willy