The measures contained in the measure
LONDON (Oct. 28) - Here are the main measures of the measure approved today by the House, with new features.
Package Brunetta - rewritten several times and presented the amendments developed by the Minister of Public Administration represented the most delicate step in the examination of the measure, also for comparison with the majority. The first measure from 1 July 2009 to stabilize temporary locks, with two adjustments: an opposition reformulated by the Rapporteur reiterates the possibility of stabilization, if undertaken, provided that by next June 30. The other, signed by Simone Baldelli (PDL), gives priority to the winners of the competition. Another measure filed down several times and finally approved is cracking down on the permits for the disabled. Among the relaxations introduced in the latest version there is a chance for parents, including adopted children, alternative care. Other new package Brunetta, the expectation of maximum one year for civil servants who want to start business or professional activities. Work process: streamline the work process, and encouraging the use of arbitration and conciliation. This is the aim of new measures on the labor process, according to government and majority. For the opposition is a "distortion" that undermines workers' rights. In any case, he Giuliano Cazzola, during the examination in committee, has included posts that link to exclude any risk of damaging the protection provided by Article 18 of the Statute for employees in regard to layoffs.
arduous work - The extension of the delegation, which was originally for six months was reduced, with input from the speaker to three months.
Cigs - An amendment of the Government in Commission brought the refinancing of 450 million, of CIGS and other mobility procedures. Almost out of time the Ministry of Labour had planned a further increase to 600 million, then postponed consideration in the Senate.
Residence for competitions - Approved Commission on the proposal in the league, and basically confirmed in the Hall (and also refers to calls rather than establish it by law), an advantage of being established in the region with the same ranking. Another new license plate always Carroccio and approved in committee, but removed by the assembly, stipulated that the degree mark was worth only access, and not for the next steps of the selection.
Police - Introduced the specificity of the treatment for the purposes of employment and social forces. But with a reformulation to the text introduced by the Budget Commission and quashed: the principle remains, but we entrust its implementation to future legislation identifying the necessary resources. In addition, the specificity is also recognized firefighters. Also approved the amendment that will allow to bake Cirielli to sit at the table of negotiation for the renewal of the economic part of the contract.
job in Black - rewritten administrative penalties for employers who do not meet the requirement of prior notification of the establishment of employment relationship, with the exception of domestic work. The penalty will be from 1,500 to 12 thousand euro for each worker, plus € 150 for each day of actual work. In addition, the penalty ranges from one thousand to eight thousand euro for each worker, plus thirty euro for each giornata di lavoro irregolare nel caso in cui il lavoratore risulti regolarmente occupato per un periodo lavorativo successivo.
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