Gian Marco Chiocci
Caserta - Caserta, too, as in Gorizia, recruitment in the province are a family affair. The great family of the Democratic Party. From north to south, only a bad habit of patronage. If Friuli in the administration of the center has seen fit to hire interns as the children of the president and councilor of Education, Campania in the entity headed by Sandro De Franciscis has gone well beyond: To call directly, without competition or selection public, have found use (lifetime) sons, cousins, nephews, relatives and secretaries of leading members of the Democratic Party. All made in the entire public shareholding company called Terra di Lavoro was born in 1999 in order to stabilize 43 "socially useful workers' activities in road maintenance and besides converted, with appropriate amendments to the Statute in 2008, companies are also engaged in school, checking the suitability of boilers and so on. A new spa, and Linda Pinto, who has absorbed and made their own employees and the functions of another public company disaster to 49 percent, Seproter.
to notice the blitz, a combative opposition councilor, Giorgio Magliocca, militant An, impressed by the number of new state employees due to the men of that Caserta Pd already at the forefront in the attacks to Clemente Mastella and his Udeur investigation on patronage in Campania. The same prosecutor who investigated on the former justice minister, now will try to shed light on this batch of recruited excellent in provincial society. Why according to what is reported on nell'esposto jobs for party membership, would have violated rules and procedures.
Among the first to be recruited there Valerio Ruggiero, Secretary of that Province President De Franciscis who is also president and member of the board of the same company. Then there is John Ross, councilor of the DS in Marcianise. And there is the son of Felice Del Monaco, the historian and treasurer of the Democratic Party of Margaret. Also taken up the son of Nicola Pacific, already in office of Senator Geppino Santonastaso, sponsor of De Franciscis. He also found a place Nicholas Bernard of San Felice a gate, related with the President of the Provincial Council, Pasquale De Lucia. In a document given to the prosecution of Santa Maria Capua Vetere also refers to additional contracts in the last minute, just before the hiring official. Beneficiaries? The cousin of the provincial council Pd, Peter Paul Ciardiello, the daughter of Councilor Pd, Francis Pope, the sister of Michele Racco (For Spa of Italy who held the job 49 percent of the shares of Terra di Lavoro), the son of director Provincial PD, Vincenzo Di Franco (elected for the Civic inspired by the President), Cosimo Cecere, former advisor to Marcianise and loyalist De Franciscis, the son of an employee of the Province and so on.
addition to finding a place for life to family and friends of friends, the province has spared no expense for sixteen employees allocating € 400 thousand in suspected violation of the restrictions imposed by national legislation due to the disregard for the so-called 'stability pact'. A parentopoli a, then, for President De Franciscis, for another uncomfortable relationship (the one with the chief prosecutor Mariano Maffei, recently retired) was dramatically brought up by Mastella about patronage, favoritism and families.
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