Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Generateur Points Nintendo Club

Hetalia Axis Power

After the good news of the approval of federalism, as I prepare to write the news on the blog, I stumbled upon this anime that is transmitted during this period in Japan .
Being a blog, not a newspaper, I decided to post this funny thing instead of a news item that you can easily find a bit 'everywhere.

Place qui la recensione di Hetalia Axis Power presa da

Based on a popular web-released manga series by Hidekazu Himaruya, this has been described as a "cynical gag" story set in Europe in the years between WW1 and WW2 (1915-1939), using exaggerated caricatures of the different nationalities as portrayed by a gaggle of bishōnen. For example, the Italia Veneziano character is into pasta and women. The Deutsche (German) bishi loves potatoes and sausages, and Nippon is an otaku boy. Installments of the manga have jumped back and forth in setting from the ancient times to modern-day geopolitics. The manga's title comes the Japanese words for "useless" (hetare) and Italy (Italia).

Apparently, the vision that the other countries of the world in Italy has not changed.

Generateur Points Nintendo Club

Hetalia Axis Power

After the good news of the approval of federalism, as I prepare to write the news on the blog, I stumbled upon this anime that is transmitted during this period in Japan .
Being a blog, not a newspaper, I decided to post this funny thing instead of a news item that you can easily find a bit 'everywhere.

Place qui la recensione di Hetalia Axis Power presa da

Based on a popular web-released manga series by Hidekazu Himaruya, this has been described as a "cynical gag" story set in Europe in the years between WW1 and WW2 (1915-1939), using exaggerated caricatures of the different nationalities as portrayed by a gaggle of bishōnen. For example, the Italia Veneziano character is into pasta and women. The Deutsche (German) bishi loves potatoes and sausages, and Nippon is an otaku boy. Installments of the manga have jumped back and forth in setting from the ancient times to modern-day geopolitics. The manga's title comes the Japanese words for "useless" (hetare) and Italy (Italia).

Apparently, the vision that the other countries of the world in Italy has not changed.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Gbemul How To Use Sound


Rome, March 10 (Adnkronos) - "Monitoring launched today by Minister Brunetta on flexible workers of the civil service and 'a process of transparency and clarity is absolutely necessary to bring out numbers, mode' and criticality 'of a phenomenon that too often and' state land of political speculation. " It 'as said Simone Baldelli, Vice President of the PDL in the House and member of the Board of Deputies work.

"With monitoring, in fact, Baldelli-points-you will understand 'how many, how they were made and whether or not they are entitled to be stabilized these temporary workers, and there will be a' then end the improbable ballet figures that we have heard in recent years since the Italian left and they 'ventured into the improvident and ruinous battle of so-called stabilization, through which the very same Italian left has been disillusioned, disappointed these workers. "
" It' s also important at this stage attention will know that the Minister Brunetta 'devote another form shameful and widespread insecurity in the public sector: that of many young people who, having been called in public administration through a call to prepare for a selective testing, have won this test and are now waiting for years, without pay and with no certainty of being taken as it would have the right, "said Baldelli still.

taken from blog Mr. Simone Baldelli

Gbemul How To Use Sound


Rome, March 10 (Adnkronos) - "Monitoring launched today by Minister Brunetta on flexible workers of the civil service and 'a process of transparency and clarity is absolutely necessary to bring out numbers, mode' and criticality 'of a phenomenon that too often and' state land of political speculation. " It 'as said Simone Baldelli, Vice President of the PDL in the House and member of the Board of Deputies work.

"With monitoring, in fact, Baldelli-points-you will understand 'how many, how they were made and whether or not they are entitled to be stabilized these temporary workers, and there will be a' then end the improbable ballet figures that we have heard in recent years since the Italian left and they 'ventured into the improvident and ruinous battle of so-called stabilization, through which the very same Italian left has been disillusioned, disappointed these workers. "
" It' s also important at this stage attention will know that the Minister Brunetta 'devote another form shameful and widespread insecurity in the public sector: that of many young people who, having been called in public administration through a call to prepare for a selective testing, have won this test and are now waiting for years, without pay and with no certainty of being taken as it would have the right, "said Baldelli still.

taken from blog Mr. Simone Baldelli

I Need An Investor For A Funeral Home

"atypical PA, see clearly"

"atypical PA, see clearly" to Tgcom
Brunetta: "We'll light"

In the usual date of Tuesday, the Minister of Public Renato Brunetta, interviewed by Tgcom director Paul Liguori, spoke of atypical workers in the public sector. "We'll light on futures contracts to see if they are needed, these reports do not have to become permanent," he said. "Assessing the situation to see if there can be a boost patronage," he added. In the fifth
chat "Brunetta 2.0", the now familiar heading of Tgcom on Tuesday, the minister has touched on a number of ideas suggested by readers with their questions. He began his work with the public in the atypical ending then also talk about house plan, age pensionalbile and salaries of women parliamentarians.

"Do not call them casual!"
"In public administration there are atypical and flexible similar to those of the private sector, but do not call them casual," began Brunetta answering the question on the census that his ministry wants to do just this category. "We're trying to understand the nature of these contracts for specific roles, their needs," he added. And again: "According to these reports must extreme unionism necessarily be permanent, but it is said, if indeed their seasonality is related to a task in a specific period of time. "

" Now we will try to figure out how many, what these workers and how time, I would not want to blame some of them, the winners of the contest remained displaced and without work, because I fear that some 'of these people work with' direct calls' the daughter of a bad relationship customers, "he added Minister .
Brunetta added that the census started, will be updated week by week and will last a month. "I will not lay off anyone, I want the PA to work because the public is not a social safety net, I want to keep the typical workers 'serious' and at the same time ensuring those who should be guaranteed ".

unemployment allowance to
response to a specific request for a reader, the Minister said we are thinking about measures to give a hand to left without work. "On paper-said-it is self-employed and as such not entitled to unemployment benefit. In fact, in many cases are bogus self-employment because the client is configured is one and a kind of dependency relationship. We are thinking of a social safety net for this category that includes about 150 thousand people, but it is not easy ".


I Need An Investor For A Funeral Home

"atypical PA, see clearly"

"atypical PA, see clearly" to Tgcom
Brunetta: "We'll light"

In the usual date of Tuesday, the Minister of Public Renato Brunetta, interviewed by Tgcom director Paul Liguori, spoke of atypical workers in the public sector. "We'll light on futures contracts to see if they are needed, these reports do not have to become permanent," he said. "Assessing the situation to see if there can be a boost patronage," he added. In the fifth
chat "Brunetta 2.0", the now familiar heading of Tgcom on Tuesday, the minister has touched on a number of ideas suggested by readers with their questions. He began his work with the public in the atypical ending then also talk about house plan, age pensionalbile and salaries of women parliamentarians.

"Do not call them casual!"
"In public administration there are atypical and flexible similar to those of the private sector, but do not call them casual," began Brunetta answering the question on the census that his ministry wants to do just this category. "We're trying to understand the nature of these contracts for specific roles, their needs," he added. And again: "According to these reports must extreme unionism necessarily be permanent, but it is said, if indeed their seasonality is related to a task in a specific period of time. "

" Now we will try to figure out how many, what these workers and how time, I would not want to blame some of them, the winners of the contest remained displaced and without work, because I fear that some 'of these people work with' direct calls' the daughter of a bad relationship customers, "he added Minister .
Brunetta added that the census started, will be updated week by week and will last a month. "I will not lay off anyone, I want the PA to work because the public is not a social safety net, I want to keep the typical workers 'serious' and at the same time ensuring those who should be guaranteed ".

unemployment allowance to
response to a specific request for a reader, the Minister said we are thinking about measures to give a hand to left without work. "On paper-said-it is self-employed and as such not entitled to unemployment benefit. In fact, in many cases are bogus self-employment because the client is configured is one and a kind of dependency relationship. We are thinking of a social safety net for this category that includes about 150 thousand people, but it is not easy ".