Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Shoes To Wear With Chiffon Dress

buildings that are not stacked granted an extension

L'Assessore all'Urbanistica, Geom. Giancarlo Giandinoto, AVVISA la cittadinanza che il termine del 31 dicembre 2010 per l'emersione delle cosiddette "case fantasma" non dichiarate in Catasto, è stato differito al 28 febbraio 2011 , ferma restando comunque la facoltà per l'Agenzia del Territorio di porre in essere, tutte le azioni preliminary allocation of rent alleged, at the expense of the person concerned.
extension was inserted in the CD. decree "milleproroghe" approved by the Berlusconi government.

"Despite the limited extension granted, thank 's Mr Basilio Catania, who asked me, is activated along with other senators and representatives at the ministry so that was granted an extension to allow carry beyond the end of this year, "said Councillor Giancarlo Giandinoto.

Shoes To Wear With Chiffon Dress

buildings that are not stacked granted an extension

L'Assessore all'Urbanistica, Geom. Giancarlo Giandinoto, AVVISA la cittadinanza che il termine del 31 dicembre 2010 per l'emersione delle cosiddette "case fantasma" non dichiarate in Catasto, è stato differito al 28 febbraio 2011 , ferma restando comunque la facoltà per l'Agenzia del Territorio di porre in essere, tutte le azioni preliminary allocation of rent alleged, at the expense of the person concerned.
extension was inserted in the CD. decree "milleproroghe" approved by the Berlusconi government.

"Despite the limited extension granted, thank 's Mr Basilio Catania, who asked me, is activated along with other senators and representatives at the ministry so that was granted an extension to allow carry beyond the end of this year, "said Councillor Giancarlo Giandinoto.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

What Does A Tremolo Do

's build a prosperous future.

What Does A Tremolo Do

's build a prosperous future.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Film Of Man Surviving Plane Crash

Christmas in the Department

Ecco le iniziative messe in cantiere per il periodo natalizio dall'assessorato da me retto.

Giovedì 23 dicembre alle ore 20
IT'S YOUR TIME - Giovani protagonisti del talento
(festival canoro per nati dopo il 23 dicembre 1980)
Le iscrizioni (gratuite) si possono fare all'Ufficio Politiche Giovanili entro il 21 dicembre 2010 consegnando un CD con la base musicale dell'esibizione.

Mercoledì 29 dicembre alle ore 19
youth centers
evening of entertainment for children and Christmas Concert
with the collaboration of the Cultural Art Voice
you there!

Film Of Man Surviving Plane Crash

Christmas in the Department

Ecco le iniziative messe in cantiere per il periodo natalizio dall'assessorato da me retto.

Giovedì 23 dicembre alle ore 20
IT'S YOUR TIME - Giovani protagonisti del talento
(festival canoro per nati dopo il 23 dicembre 1980)
Le iscrizioni (gratuite) si possono fare all'Ufficio Politiche Giovanili entro il 21 dicembre 2010 consegnando un CD con la base musicale dell'esibizione.

Mercoledì 29 dicembre alle ore 19
youth centers
evening of entertainment for children and Christmas Concert
with the collaboration of the Cultural Art Voice
you there!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Cva Apollo Muzzleloaders

is my time to ... "Social Report".

In these few lines that follow, I realize, for the umpteenth time amongst others due to my continuous online activity information, the objectives achieved during the periods 28.06.2008 - 31.03.2010 and 01.04 .2010 - To date, respectively, where I served as proxies for Tourism, Sports, Culture, Entertainment, Youth and Community Policies, Planning and delegation and Youth Policy.
It's called "Social Report", is a summary of the most important administrative actions realized that soon, in a booklet distributed to citizenship, he will report the work of all politicians have intervened in the administrative processes of the last two and a half years.
be emphasized that the undersigned has held in two and a half years, ranging powers to 360 degrees in administrative, the cultural dynamics, the processes of economic development of the district, land management.
I have not only worked in social services, where I believe the commissioner should have the expertise and experience in the field, however, which is certainly higher than I have.
For the rest, given my young age (I'm the youngest of the Board) and my profession as a surveyor, I believe that the powers entrusted to me to be in line with the principle of competence and professionalism, a principle which has inspired all the activity Administrative and that the Mayor, to which I extend my personal gratitude for the trust they settled, he always kept in great evidence.
Here is the part that concerns me.

From 02.09.2008 to 31.03.2010
Department of Tourism - Sports - Culture - Performing Arts - Youth - Policies Community

MISSION: The less administrative experience has been solved with the enthusiasm and commitment in the sign of renewal.
The actions taken were aimed at enhancing the role of new generations in the city's social fabric choices shared by implementing quality shared.

Tourism and Entertainment
One of the first achievements was to transfer the Office of Information and tourist accommodation in the Town Hall directly facing Piazza Carlo Maria Carafa, to allow greater visibility to tourists and visitors. The organization
cultural events and traditional folk village was permanently assigned to the tourist "Pro Loco" and became the main interlocutor of the Administration in promoting the area.
Thanks to a project funded under 'scope of PIT No 16 "The economics of tourism", the City of Grammichele joined the travel portal created by the Integrated Development.
With the support of the institution, are the implementation of major cultural events such as the now traditional event sponsored by "Not only hair and beauty" and "Passion e Morte di Nostro Signore Gesù Cristo” promossa dal Centro Commerciale Naturale “Esagono” di Grammichele.
Organizzato, per la prima volta, nel mese di Novembre del 2009, il Mercatino dell’Antiquariato “Alla corte di Carlo Maria Carafa”.

Nonostante le limitate risorse di bilancio, sono stati incrementati sostanzialmente rispetto agli anni precedenti i contributi a sostegno di tutte le associazioni sportive operanti nel sistema sportivo locale con particolare attenzione a quelle realtà che hanno coinvolto soprattutto i più giovani.
È stato approvato il nuovo regolamento per l’utilizzo delle strutture sports and recreation - cultural communal, with adaptation to fifteen years of the duration of the concession, which allowed the right to operate the facility multi-purpose Contrada Giandritto (Municipal swimming pool + club house) for the next fifteen years and realize one of the largest sports center and equipped the Calatino.
On 29/08/2009, in addition, our city hosted the World Cup won by the Italian National Football World Cup in Germany in 2006, registering at the youth center, more than two thousand appearances in one day.

Concluded the bureaucratic procedures and the donation of works of art Santo Paolo Guccione of artists and Angelo judge for the municipal art gallery setting.

On November 29, 2008 was opened the youth center, which now houses the offices of industry and several initiatives undertaken by local associations.
established the Council Juvenile Hall, a body of support and advice to municipal institutions as part of youth policy, which aims to encourage the involvement and democratic participation of young people in municipal life.
Established through a continuous and fruitful collaboration with the Sicilians transport, trafficking Sunday for college students who attend the University of Catania.
was signed bilateral agreement with the University of Catania for the establishment of the Secretariat of University Place. Already working for the second consecutive year, have been completed hundreds of registration and enrollment practices. The Secretariat does not have costs for the Agency as administered by municipal employees.
Also on university policies, agreements were concluded with the University of Catania and the University "Kore" of Enna to carry out internships and apprenticeships directly from the offices of the City of Grammichele.
Have been properly financed the activities of all city parishes Grest, involving hundreds of children throughout the city.
In the course of processing and activation of a wi-fi for free access to wireless internet in Piazza Carlo Maria Carafa.

Community Policies
With accession to the GAL Kalat, a result of the first rank in the regional planning and effectiveness of the proposed actions, the City of Grammichele will benefit from substantial funding in the area of \u200b\u200bdiversification of tourism.

"I think it essential to establish a fruitful cooperation with the departments to make the protagonist in the bureaucratic machine has already been achieved and to reach.
The actions taken have led to a new phase generation of leadership in the choices that affect the young people of our city. "

from 01.04.2010 to date
Planning Department - Youth

MISSION: continue the initiatives undertaken in the promotion of youth policy.
Give the city an urban equipment - efficient buildings constructed to measure the real needs of the area.

Concluded the final approval of the General Plan: in fact due to the Decree of the Regional Spatial Planning and Environment of 13 April 2010 published in the Official Gazette of May 14, 2010 Part I Number 23 was approved in the most important tool of urban city expected more than twenty years.
The approved Master Plan was published for the free vision for citizens in the month of July 2010 at the premises of the technical department.
Sono in corso gli adempimenti per l’aggiornamento della cartografia e per il ristudio degli ex Piani di Recupero.
In corso, altresì, la predisposizione degli atti propedeutici per il rinnovo del Piano Particolareggiato del Centro Storico in scadenza nel mese di Luglio 2012.

«Uno degli obiettivi che mi sono prefissato di porre in essere entro la fine del mandato è quello, tramite la predisposizione di un piano di rientro, di chiudere tutte le pratiche di condono edilizio giacenti presso l’ufficio tecnico.»

Le iniziative su elencate sono documentate con le delibere di giunta, di consiglio and determinations of management, viewed and downloaded from the City of Grammichele.
They also witnessed by the local press.

Geom. Giancarlo Giandinoto

Cva Apollo Muzzleloaders

is my time to ... "Social Report".

In these few lines that follow, I realize, for the umpteenth time amongst others due to my continuous online activity information, the objectives achieved during the periods 28.06.2008 - 31.03.2010 and 01.04 .2010 - To date, respectively, where I served as proxies for Tourism, Sports, Culture, Entertainment, Youth and Community Policies, Planning and delegation and Youth Policy.
It's called "Social Report", is a summary of the most important administrative actions realized that soon, in a booklet distributed to citizenship, he will report the work of all politicians have intervened in the administrative processes of the last two and a half years.
be emphasized that the undersigned has held in two and a half years, ranging powers to 360 degrees in administrative, the cultural dynamics, the processes of economic development of the district, land management.
I have not only worked in social services, where I believe the commissioner should have the expertise and experience in the field, however, which is certainly higher than I have.
For the rest, given my young age (I'm the youngest of the Board) and my profession as a surveyor, I believe that the powers entrusted to me to be in line with the principle of competence and professionalism, a principle which has inspired all the activity Administrative and that the Mayor, to which I extend my personal gratitude for the trust they settled, he always kept in great evidence.
Here is the part that concerns me.

From 02.09.2008 to 31.03.2010
Department of Tourism - Sports - Culture - Performing Arts - Youth - Policies Community

MISSION: The less administrative experience has been solved with the enthusiasm and commitment in the sign of renewal.
The actions taken were aimed at enhancing the role of new generations in the city's social fabric choices shared by implementing quality shared.

Tourism and Entertainment
One of the first achievements was to transfer the Office of Information and tourist accommodation in the Town Hall directly facing Piazza Carlo Maria Carafa, to allow greater visibility to tourists and visitors. The organization
cultural events and traditional folk village was permanently assigned to the tourist "Pro Loco" and became the main interlocutor of the Administration in promoting the area.
Thanks to a project funded under 'scope of PIT No 16 "The economics of tourism", the City of Grammichele joined the travel portal created by the Integrated Development.
With the support of the institution, are the implementation of major cultural events such as the now traditional event sponsored by "Not only hair and beauty" and "Passion e Morte di Nostro Signore Gesù Cristo” promossa dal Centro Commerciale Naturale “Esagono” di Grammichele.
Organizzato, per la prima volta, nel mese di Novembre del 2009, il Mercatino dell’Antiquariato “Alla corte di Carlo Maria Carafa”.

Nonostante le limitate risorse di bilancio, sono stati incrementati sostanzialmente rispetto agli anni precedenti i contributi a sostegno di tutte le associazioni sportive operanti nel sistema sportivo locale con particolare attenzione a quelle realtà che hanno coinvolto soprattutto i più giovani.
È stato approvato il nuovo regolamento per l’utilizzo delle strutture sports and recreation - cultural communal, with adaptation to fifteen years of the duration of the concession, which allowed the right to operate the facility multi-purpose Contrada Giandritto (Municipal swimming pool + club house) for the next fifteen years and realize one of the largest sports center and equipped the Calatino.
On 29/08/2009, in addition, our city hosted the World Cup won by the Italian National Football World Cup in Germany in 2006, registering at the youth center, more than two thousand appearances in one day.

Concluded the bureaucratic procedures and the donation of works of art Santo Paolo Guccione of artists and Angelo judge for the municipal art gallery setting.

On November 29, 2008 was opened the youth center, which now houses the offices of industry and several initiatives undertaken by local associations.
established the Council Juvenile Hall, a body of support and advice to municipal institutions as part of youth policy, which aims to encourage the involvement and democratic participation of young people in municipal life.
Established through a continuous and fruitful collaboration with the Sicilians transport, trafficking Sunday for college students who attend the University of Catania.
was signed bilateral agreement with the University of Catania for the establishment of the Secretariat of University Place. Already working for the second consecutive year, have been completed hundreds of registration and enrollment practices. The Secretariat does not have costs for the Agency as administered by municipal employees.
Also on university policies, agreements were concluded with the University of Catania and the University "Kore" of Enna to carry out internships and apprenticeships directly from the offices of the City of Grammichele.
Have been properly financed the activities of all city parishes Grest, involving hundreds of children throughout the city.
In the course of processing and activation of a wi-fi for free access to wireless internet in Piazza Carlo Maria Carafa.

Community Policies
With accession to the GAL Kalat, a result of the first rank in the regional planning and effectiveness of the proposed actions, the City of Grammichele will benefit from substantial funding in the area of \u200b\u200bdiversification of tourism.

"I think it essential to establish a fruitful cooperation with the departments to make the protagonist in the bureaucratic machine has already been achieved and to reach.
The actions taken have led to a new phase generation of leadership in the choices that affect the young people of our city. "

from 01.04.2010 to date
Planning Department - Youth

MISSION: continue the initiatives undertaken in the promotion of youth policy.
Give the city an urban equipment - efficient buildings constructed to measure the real needs of the area.

Concluded the final approval of the General Plan: in fact due to the Decree of the Regional Spatial Planning and Environment of 13 April 2010 published in the Official Gazette of May 14, 2010 Part I Number 23 was approved in the most important tool of urban city expected more than twenty years.
The approved Master Plan was published for the free vision for citizens in the month of July 2010 at the premises of the technical department.
Sono in corso gli adempimenti per l’aggiornamento della cartografia e per il ristudio degli ex Piani di Recupero.
In corso, altresì, la predisposizione degli atti propedeutici per il rinnovo del Piano Particolareggiato del Centro Storico in scadenza nel mese di Luglio 2012.

«Uno degli obiettivi che mi sono prefissato di porre in essere entro la fine del mandato è quello, tramite la predisposizione di un piano di rientro, di chiudere tutte le pratiche di condono edilizio giacenti presso l’ufficio tecnico.»

Le iniziative su elencate sono documentate con le delibere di giunta, di consiglio and determinations of management, viewed and downloaded from the City of Grammichele.
They also witnessed by the local press.

Geom. Giancarlo Giandinoto

Monday, November 8, 2010

Sebaceous Cyst Epsom Salt

Update Register of tellers

Who wants to be introduced in the tellers of the City of Grammichele, please contact me sending an email to .
will send the application form that must be completed and registered by the end of November 2010.
The minimum qualification required is that of compulsory schooling.

Sebaceous Cyst Epsom Salt

Update Register of tellers

Who wants to be introduced in the tellers of the City of Grammichele, please contact me sending an email to .
will send the application form that must be completed and registered by the end of November 2010.
The minimum qualification required is that of compulsory schooling.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

To Come Off Risperidone

PRESS: 'requested AST is to Dubrovnik. "

With a note addressed to the Head of Spatial Structure northeastern AST, the Deputy Mayor for Youth, Giancarlo Giandinoto, asked in recent days, the establishment of a working stage coach to Dubrovnik in Given that many citizens have to reach the capital daily grammichelesi Ragusa for study or work.
"I have received numerous reports have long been at least thirty students out of the office workers and commuters to reach the city of Ragusa, they are forced to be accompanied at every morning at 6.45 Vizzini, resulting in considerable inconvenience to themselves and to their passengers families., "says Councillor Giancarlo Giandinoto," I hope that the AST board the requests from our community, as indeed it has always done, and how the institution is Sunday at Catania. "
Now are awaiting responses from the senior management of the Company and developments.

To Come Off Risperidone

PRESS: 'requested AST is to Dubrovnik. "

With a note addressed to the Head of Spatial Structure northeastern AST, the Deputy Mayor for Youth, Giancarlo Giandinoto, asked in recent days, the establishment of a working stage coach to Dubrovnik in Given that many citizens have to reach the capital daily grammichelesi Ragusa for study or work.
"I have received numerous reports have long been at least thirty students out of the office workers and commuters to reach the city of Ragusa, they are forced to be accompanied at every morning at 6.45 Vizzini, resulting in considerable inconvenience to themselves and to their passengers families., "says Councillor Giancarlo Giandinoto," I hope that the AST board the requests from our community, as indeed it has always done, and how the institution is Sunday at Catania. "
Now are awaiting responses from the senior management of the Company and developments.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Everyday Camaras And Cold Weather

ATM University - Opening Credits

It is completed the work necessary for university enrollment to 1 year later by the Regional Office of the City University of Grammichele, with no 70 entries.
Keep in mind that with the new reform of university degree courses in number of students, registrations are handled directly by the individual faculty secretariats.
For the second year, the administration has produced good its good effects.
I wanted to personally thank the city employees who carry out their activities within the University ATM impeccably and diligent, in the persons of Francis Grosso, Giovanna Mancuso and Marinella Gulino.

Everyday Camaras And Cold Weather

ATM University - Opening Credits

It is completed the work necessary for university enrollment to 1 year later by the Regional Office of the City University of Grammichele, with no 70 entries.
Keep in mind that with the new reform of university degree courses in number of students, registrations are handled directly by the individual faculty secretariats.
For the second year, the administration has produced good its good effects.
I wanted to personally thank the city employees who carry out their activities within the University ATM impeccably and diligent, in the persons of Francis Grosso, Giovanna Mancuso and Marinella Gulino.

Iron With Radio Attached

Sports Centre C.da Giandritto

Sunday, October 24, 2010 inauguration of the sports center Contrada Giandritto (wellness & fitness center and swimming pool) granted to the company management in sports Ben & Fit while I was driving the Councillor for Sports and Entertainment.


Iron With Radio Attached

Sports Centre C.da Giandritto

Sunday, October 24, 2010 inauguration of the sports center Contrada Giandritto (wellness & fitness center and swimming pool) granted to the company management in sports Ben & Fit while I was driving the Councillor for Sports and Entertainment.


Danielle Laws Freeones

Opening Art School Grammichele

I am pleased to invite all your friends at the opening of the new readers Regional Institute of Art Grammichele made by the Province of Catania, which will be held Saturday, October 16, 2010 at 12.00.
The school building will be inaugurated by the President of the Province Mr Giuseppe Castiglione.

Danielle Laws Freeones

Opening Art School Grammichele

I am pleased to invite all your friends at the opening of the new readers Regional Institute of Art Grammichele made by the Province of Catania, which will be held Saturday, October 16, 2010 at 12.00.
The school building will be inaugurated by the President of the Province Mr Giuseppe Castiglione.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

How Much Is A Tech Deck Place Cost

stacking of buildings "ghost"

Councillor for Planning, Giancarlo Giandinoto, warns that citizenship by December 31, 2010 the buildings that are not declared or ex-rural cadastre must be declared as provided by Decree-Law 78/2010, in order to avoid heavy penalties and interest charges will be billed to the owners by the Agency of Natural Resources. The search for the so-called property "ghost" was conducted by the Land Agency in cooperation with the AGEA through aerial surveys. "Getting in is a choice rule responsible and cost, "said Councillor Giancarlo Giandinoto," to avoid sanctions with consequent economic damage to the pockets of citizens in a period of unprecedented economic crisis. "

How Much Is A Tech Deck Place Cost

stacking of buildings "ghost"

Councillor for Planning, Giancarlo Giandinoto, warns that citizenship by December 31, 2010 the buildings that are not declared or ex-rural cadastre must be declared as provided by Decree-Law 78/2010, in order to avoid heavy penalties and interest charges will be billed to the owners by the Agency of Natural Resources. The search for the so-called property "ghost" was conducted by the Land Agency in cooperation with the AGEA through aerial surveys. "Getting in is a choice rule responsible and cost, "said Councillor Giancarlo Giandinoto," to avoid sanctions with consequent economic damage to the pockets of citizens in a period of unprecedented economic crisis. "

Monday, September 27, 2010

Miosotis Milena Velba Beach

Press: "Everyone in the square with one-click

The hexagonal square dedicated to young people.
will be the main but not exclusive, beneficiaries of the WI - FI, free internet access and wireless that, after the first phase installation of a short-covering the nearly nine thousand square meters of Piazza Carlo Maria Carafa.
With the system "hot spot" (so called), anyone can open their laptop, PDA or mobile phone next generation and surf the web without charge and without wires, thanks to a network specifically dedicated ADSL.
So stand in the square or sip a drink or a coffee bar in the square will no longer incompatible with the study, work, access to information.
The announcement was made by the creators of the initiative, Councillor Peter Altamore (Technological Innovation) and Alderman Giancarlo Giandinoto (Youth): "As soon as we have the necessary authorization from the authorities, we'll take this one important service to the city in a sign of technological innovation. Another esempio di buona amministrazione.”

“Per potere usufruire del servizio WI – FI occorrerà recarsi all’Ufficio CED al Comune e accreditarsi, dopodichè con il portatile, il palmare, o il telefono si potrà lanciare il browser di navigazione Internet. Automaticamente verrà visualizzata la pagina di autenticazione, dove si dovranno inserire nome utente e password.”, dichiara il Responsabile del CED del Comune di Grammichele, Angelo Coppoletta.

Miosotis Milena Velba Beach

Press: "Everyone in the square with one-click

The hexagonal square dedicated to young people.
will be the main but not exclusive, beneficiaries of the WI - FI, free internet access and wireless that, after the first phase installation of a short-covering the nearly nine thousand square meters of Piazza Carlo Maria Carafa.
With the system "hot spot" (so called), anyone can open their laptop, PDA or mobile phone next generation and surf the web without charge and without wires, thanks to a network specifically dedicated ADSL.
So stand in the square or sip a drink or a coffee bar in the square will no longer incompatible with the study, work, access to information.
The announcement was made by the creators of the initiative, Councillor Peter Altamore (Technological Innovation) and Alderman Giancarlo Giandinoto (Youth): "As soon as we have the necessary authorization from the authorities, we'll take this one important service to the city in a sign of technological innovation. Another esempio di buona amministrazione.”

“Per potere usufruire del servizio WI – FI occorrerà recarsi all’Ufficio CED al Comune e accreditarsi, dopodichè con il portatile, il palmare, o il telefono si potrà lanciare il browser di navigazione Internet. Automaticamente verrà visualizzata la pagina di autenticazione, dove si dovranno inserire nome utente e password.”, dichiara il Responsabile del CED del Comune di Grammichele, Angelo Coppoletta.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Columbus Ohio Dmv Drivers License Renewal

here is the party? ... Subscriptions

...domani 27 settembre 2010 alle ore 20 presso il Nuovo Centro Welness (Piscina Comunale) in Contrada Giandritto. Serata all'insegna del divertimento con animazione, karaoke, dimostrazioni e stuzzichini. INGRESSO ESCLUSIVAMENTE CON INVITO PERSONALE. Per ritirare l'invito recarsi presso la Palestra Ben&Fit in Via Giuseppe Garibaldi 119 a Grammichele.

Columbus Ohio Dmv Drivers License Renewal

here is the party? ... Subscriptions

...domani 27 settembre 2010 alle ore 20 presso il Nuovo Centro Welness (Piscina Comunale) in Contrada Giandritto. Serata all'insegna del divertimento con animazione, karaoke, dimostrazioni e stuzzichini. INGRESSO ESCLUSIVAMENTE CON INVITO PERSONALE. Per ritirare l'invito recarsi presso la Palestra Ben&Fit in Via Giuseppe Garibaldi 119 a Grammichele.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Best Fuel Mileage Trucks

University of Catania in 2011

Avviso gli studenti universitari di Grammichele (e dintorni) che presso lo Sportello Universitario istituito al Centro di Aggregazione Giovanile (a costo zero per il cittadino) è possibile, per il secondo anno consecutivo, presentare le iscrizioni alle facoltà universitarie dell'Ateneo catanese.
Quest'anno, a seguito della nuova riforma, si potranno presentare solo le iscrizioni agli anni successivi al 1°, in quanto le immatricolazioni successive to test a number of students are the responsibility of the secretariats of the various university faculties.
I am pleased to point out that among other things, is the second consecutive year of this important and efficient service set up at no cost to the Authority and the community, which allows university students not to file the secretariats and which is widely documented and witnessed (by the appreciation of the people) happened.

Best Fuel Mileage Trucks

University of Catania in 2011

Avviso gli studenti universitari di Grammichele (e dintorni) che presso lo Sportello Universitario istituito al Centro di Aggregazione Giovanile (a costo zero per il cittadino) è possibile, per il secondo anno consecutivo, presentare le iscrizioni alle facoltà universitarie dell'Ateneo catanese.
Quest'anno, a seguito della nuova riforma, si potranno presentare solo le iscrizioni agli anni successivi al 1°, in quanto le immatricolazioni successive to test a number of students are the responsibility of the secretariats of the various university faculties.
I am pleased to point out that among other things, is the second consecutive year of this important and efficient service set up at no cost to the Authority and the community, which allows university students not to file the secretariats and which is widely documented and witnessed (by the appreciation of the people) happened.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Senegal Parrot For Sale


This is not the time for "fat cows" but to "lean".
For this reason I made a choice, weighted and balanced on the contributions that my department will provide during the Solar 2011, coinciding with the financial year 2011.
On November 30, 2010: Deadline for submission of requests for assistance from the ordinary events aimed at promoting youth policy, and will be favorable from my Department only and no other instances of advanced contribution to the organization of Grest , which each year in individual parishes Grammichele, involving hundreds of children and their families.
A number of other important initiatives that provide for eligible activities under oratorio as long as it is conducted in conjunction with Grest (period 1 June - 31 August).
The forms can be downloaded here, the form is "normal contribution."

For other types of events promoted by sports and cultural associations, the requests may be made to the relevant council departments (Sport and Culture) which are not the owner.
The deadline for sports associations is October 31, 2010, while the cultural associations is November 30, 2010.

Senegal Parrot For Sale


This is not the time for "fat cows" but to "lean".
For this reason I made a choice, weighted and balanced on the contributions that my department will provide during the Solar 2011, coinciding with the financial year 2011.
On November 30, 2010: Deadline for submission of requests for assistance from the ordinary events aimed at promoting youth policy, and will be favorable from my Department only and no other instances of advanced contribution to the organization of Grest , which each year in individual parishes Grammichele, involving hundreds of children and their families.
A number of other important initiatives that provide for eligible activities under oratorio as long as it is conducted in conjunction with Grest (period 1 June - 31 August).
The forms can be downloaded here, the form is "normal contribution."

For other types of events promoted by sports and cultural associations, the requests may be made to the relevant council departments (Sport and Culture) which are not the owner.
The deadline for sports associations is October 31, 2010, while the cultural associations is November 30, 2010.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Watch Brent Everetts And Brent Corrigan

funding only to the Council started the debate on the PRG

In the meeting yesterday evening, I reported to the City Council the status of the process of PRG, which was approved recently after thirty years.
After reviewing the steps that led to the expected approval of the planning instrument for decades in our city, together with the Head of Technical Sector, Mr. Gianpaolo Sottile, and the Head of Planning, Geom. Peter Larocca, we have analyzed the issues and news of the various homogeneous areas of our city, from which the analysis revealed some critical factors that must be addressed through immediate urban variant of the PRG in short lead time in the City Council.

Watch Brent Everetts And Brent Corrigan

funding only to the Council started the debate on the PRG

In the meeting yesterday evening, I reported to the City Council the status of the process of PRG, which was approved recently after thirty years.
After reviewing the steps that led to the expected approval of the planning instrument for decades in our city, together with the Head of Technical Sector, Mr. Gianpaolo Sottile, and the Head of Planning, Geom. Peter Larocca, we have analyzed the issues and news of the various homogeneous areas of our city, from which the analysis revealed some critical factors that must be addressed through immediate urban variant of the PRG in short lead time in the City Council.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

What Is The Best Waterproofing Spray For Shoes

Sausage Grammichele, a tradition dating back to 1680

Today is the most important day of religious festivities in honor of St. Maria del Piano, as well as the last, which also sees the end of the Sausage Festival.
A tradition that dates back hundreds of years ago and repeats, as usual, every year the first week of September.
An ancient document, dating back to 1680, describes in detail how to coincide with the feast of St. Maria del Piano, falling on 7 and 8 September of each year, he held a cattle and goods, attracting a huge flow of foreign citizens and so was born the problem of securing adequate food and lodging. From this arose the need to prepare on the spot "a dish" simple and tasty at the same time the "sausage" and the preparation of the product was made locally with readily available tools such as "strains", the "werewolf" to "Capula "flesh del maiale e ottenere la “salsiccia”.
La richiesta del prodotto aumentò a tal punto che l’Amministrazione Comunale dovette redigere nel 1908 un regolamento Igienico – Sanitario che comprendeva le norme relative all’allevamento dei suini e la preparazione del prodotto.
Nel 1951, il Sindaco del Comune descrive in un documento la problematica relativa all’affitto degli stabili del Santuario di S. Maria del Piano che solevano darsi ai macellai per la preparazione della salsiccia.

What Is The Best Waterproofing Spray For Shoes

Sausage Grammichele, a tradition dating back to 1680

Today is the most important day of religious festivities in honor of St. Maria del Piano, as well as the last, which also sees the end of the Sausage Festival.
A tradition that dates back hundreds of years ago and repeats, as usual, every year the first week of September.
An ancient document, dating back to 1680, describes in detail how to coincide with the feast of St. Maria del Piano, falling on 7 and 8 September of each year, he held a cattle and goods, attracting a huge flow of foreign citizens and so was born the problem of securing adequate food and lodging. From this arose the need to prepare on the spot "a dish" simple and tasty at the same time the "sausage" and the preparation of the product was made locally with readily available tools such as "strains", the "werewolf" to "Capula "flesh del maiale e ottenere la “salsiccia”.
La richiesta del prodotto aumentò a tal punto che l’Amministrazione Comunale dovette redigere nel 1908 un regolamento Igienico – Sanitario che comprendeva le norme relative all’allevamento dei suini e la preparazione del prodotto.
Nel 1951, il Sindaco del Comune descrive in un documento la problematica relativa all’affitto degli stabili del Santuario di S. Maria del Piano che solevano darsi ai macellai per la preparazione della salsiccia.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Amd New Processor 2010

1,418 boys for the civil service

È indetto un bando per la selezione di 1.418 volontari, da avviare al servizio nell’anno 2010 nei progetti di servizio civile in Sicilia, approvati dalla Regione Sicilia ai sensi dell’articolo 6, comma 4, del decreto legislativo 5 aprile 2002, n. 77, e utilmente collocati in graduatoria.
La durata del servizio è di dodici mesi.
Ai volontari in servizio civile spetta un assegno mensile di 433, 80 euro.
La domanda di partecipazione in formato cartaceo, indirizzata direttamente all’ente che realizza il progetto prescelto, deve pervenire allo stesso entro le ore 14.00 del 4 ottobre 2010.

Scarica il bando e gli allegati qui .

Amd New Processor 2010

1,418 boys for the civil service

È indetto un bando per la selezione di 1.418 volontari, da avviare al servizio nell’anno 2010 nei progetti di servizio civile in Sicilia, approvati dalla Regione Sicilia ai sensi dell’articolo 6, comma 4, del decreto legislativo 5 aprile 2002, n. 77, e utilmente collocati in graduatoria.
La durata del servizio è di dodici mesi.
Ai volontari in servizio civile spetta un assegno mensile di 433, 80 euro.
La domanda di partecipazione in formato cartaceo, indirizzata direttamente all’ente che realizza il progetto prescelto, deve pervenire allo stesso entro le ore 14.00 del 4 ottobre 2010.

Scarica il bando e gli allegati qui .

Milena Velba Using A Breast Pump

killed only because against lawlessness.

Essere il Sindaco di Acciaroli nel Salernitano, di una coalizione left of center, and be killed by the mob because he fought against illegal immigration.
And what happened to Angelo Vassallo.
State intervention: more and more local administrators have to deal with the social emergency and organized crime to become the "lightning rod" issues that a municipality can not resolve.
Instead of constantly fighting for seats, our representatives in government of the nations and regions are giving to be done to protect law-abiding citizens and honest administrators who work daily to ensure the efficiency of public administration.

Milena Velba Using A Breast Pump

killed only because against lawlessness.

Essere il Sindaco di Acciaroli nel Salernitano, di una coalizione left of center, and be killed by the mob because he fought against illegal immigration.
And what happened to Angelo Vassallo.
State intervention: more and more local administrators have to deal with the social emergency and organized crime to become the "lightning rod" issues that a municipality can not resolve.
Instead of constantly fighting for seats, our representatives in government of the nations and regions are giving to be done to protect law-abiding citizens and honest administrators who work daily to ensure the efficiency of public administration.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Does Cigar's Cause Soar Throat

Part-time University of Catania

E 'held a competition for selection, reserved students enrolled in courses at the University of Catania for the award during the academic year 2010-2011, the cooperation at the time (according to Article 13 Law No. 12.02.1991 390) intended for educational assistance to disabled students, for a maximum of n ° 70 collaborations.
may submit an application together students enrolled in the academic year 2009-2010 to repeat a course or off (finalists), in a course of study (bachelor, master, single-cycle degree) at the Faculty of the University of Catania (including branch offices) and have passed Overall, by 31/07/2010, at least 3 / 5 of the credits or testing of the plan of study.
Applications for participation in the contest, addressed to the Rector and prepared solely on a special form attached to the notice must be filed or sent by registered mail not later than the business hours of September 10, 2010 (the penalty 'exclusion) at: Area of \u200b\u200bEducation - Office of the Right to Education, Chair: No Way 51-95124 Catania.

Download notice and claim form .

THE DATE September 10, 2010.

Does Cigar's Cause Soar Throat

Part-time University of Catania

E 'held a competition for selection, reserved students enrolled in courses at the University of Catania for the award during the academic year 2010-2011, the cooperation at the time (according to Article 13 Law No. 12.02.1991 390) intended for educational assistance to disabled students, for a maximum of n ° 70 collaborations.
may submit an application together students enrolled in the academic year 2009-2010 to repeat a course or off (finalists), in a course of study (bachelor, master, single-cycle degree) at the Faculty of the University of Catania (including branch offices) and have passed Overall, by 31/07/2010, at least 3 / 5 of the credits or testing of the plan of study.
Applications for participation in the contest, addressed to the Rector and prepared solely on a special form attached to the notice must be filed or sent by registered mail not later than the business hours of September 10, 2010 (the penalty 'exclusion) at: Area of \u200b\u200bEducation - Office of the Right to Education, Chair: No Way 51-95124 Catania.

Download notice and claim form .

THE DATE September 10, 2010.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Mount&blade Version 1.011 Wedding Dance

"Rigor and integration." Via the permit to stay in points for immigrants

Yes the plan for the integration of immigrants. is called "Identity and encounter" and must be signed by the immigrants who submit an application for a residence permit in Italy. This is the well known 'permission to stay in points "and combines, said Interior Minister Roberto Maroni to the end of the council of ministers," and strict right with a policy of integration that is unmatched in Europe . We have established a system of clear rules and clear, he said Maroni, "that allows those who come to Italy to work an excellent integration path from all points of view."

We faced some choices, he added Welfare Minister Maurizio Sacconi, based on experiences in other countries, "could point to multiculturalism or assimilation arrogant indifference. We decided on a third way, Italian, identity open. "

The plan, which should finally be adopted by December, to come into force as early as next year, said Sacconi, not "is a vexatious, but rather, it stimulates some basic elements of integration." In essence, explained the Minister of Welfare, when the foreigner must apply for a residence permit must sign a sort of commitment for acquisition of basic knowledge of Italian, sufficient knowledge of civic culture and civic life in Italy , particularly health, school, social services, labor, and tax obligations .

must then carry out the duty of education of the child and know the organization of public institutions. Of course, now Sacconi said, that the skills required will not be evaluated "by the Academy of bran or as an examination of public law. The initial total loans amounted to 16 credits, of which 15 may be deducted in case of non-attendance at the meeting of civic education.

Target Agreement, are the foreigners entering for the first time in Italy and will have a package of loans, known as points allowed, you may lose in the event of a conviction, failure to attend the courses in civics, the Board of administrative offenses or tax, submission personal security measures. The points, however, may also increase if the migrant acquires high levels of knowledge in the language and civic education, if completed degrees, if you committed to volunteering, if you purchase a home.

The pact is signed at the one-stop shop or police station with the submission of the application for a residence permit lasts for two years and involving foreigners in the range 16-65 years. For minorenni serve anche la firma dei genitori. Sono esclusi dal patto coloro che chiedono un permesso inferiore a un anno, hanno patologie o handicap tali da limitare la loro autosufficienza, le vittime di tratta, violenza, grave sfruttamento.

Un mese prima della scadenza del soggiorno si verifica l'accordo: lo straniero presenta la documentazione che certifica la sua formazione e le attività svolte. L'operazione si conclude con l'attribuzione finale dei crediti. Se questi sono pari a zero viene decretata l'espulsione (tranne nei casi dove sono previste deroghe). Se sono meno di 30 l'accordo é prorogato per un anno, se sono 30 o più lo straniero passa l'esame e riceve un attestato.

da Sole 24 Ore

Mount&blade Version 1.011 Wedding Dance

"Rigor and integration." Via the permit to stay in points for immigrants

Yes the plan for the integration of immigrants. is called "Identity and encounter" and must be signed by the immigrants who submit an application for a residence permit in Italy. This is the well known 'permission to stay in points "and combines, said Interior Minister Roberto Maroni to the end of the council of ministers," and strict right with a policy of integration that is unmatched in Europe . We have established a system of clear rules and clear, he said Maroni, "that allows those who come to Italy to work an excellent integration path from all points of view."

We faced some choices, he added Welfare Minister Maurizio Sacconi, based on experiences in other countries, "could point to multiculturalism or assimilation arrogant indifference. We decided on a third way, Italian, identity open. "

The plan, which should finally be adopted by December, to come into force as early as next year, said Sacconi, not "is a vexatious, but rather, it stimulates some basic elements of integration." In essence, explained the Minister of Welfare, when the foreigner must apply for a residence permit must sign a sort of commitment for acquisition of basic knowledge of Italian, sufficient knowledge of civic culture and civic life in Italy , particularly health, school, social services, labor, and tax obligations .

must then carry out the duty of education of the child and know the organization of public institutions. Of course, now Sacconi said, that the skills required will not be evaluated "by the Academy of bran or as an examination of public law. The initial total loans amounted to 16 credits, of which 15 may be deducted in case of non-attendance at the meeting of civic education.

Target Agreement, are the foreigners entering for the first time in Italy and will have a package of loans, known as points allowed, you may lose in the event of a conviction, failure to attend the courses in civics, the Board of administrative offenses or tax, submission personal security measures. The points, however, may also increase if the migrant acquires high levels of knowledge in the language and civic education, if completed degrees, if you committed to volunteering, if you purchase a home.

The pact is signed at the one-stop shop or police station with the submission of the application for a residence permit lasts for two years and involving foreigners in the range 16-65 years. For minorenni serve anche la firma dei genitori. Sono esclusi dal patto coloro che chiedono un permesso inferiore a un anno, hanno patologie o handicap tali da limitare la loro autosufficienza, le vittime di tratta, violenza, grave sfruttamento.

Un mese prima della scadenza del soggiorno si verifica l'accordo: lo straniero presenta la documentazione che certifica la sua formazione e le attività svolte. L'operazione si conclude con l'attribuzione finale dei crediti. Se questi sono pari a zero viene decretata l'espulsione (tranne nei casi dove sono previste deroghe). Se sono meno di 30 l'accordo é prorogato per un anno, se sono 30 o più lo straniero passa l'esame e riceve un attestato.

da Sole 24 Ore

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Maytag Dishwasher Leak


Thoughts of an Italian patriot

Carlo Cattaneo (1801 - 1869) was a revolutionary Milan who became a promoter of a united Italy, and the Federal Republican. In 1848, head of the Council of War, he participated actively in the movements of "Five Days of Milan" by defeating an army improvised the Austrian Empire. He refused the support of the Savoy family as "the enemy of freedom , intolerant religion of others, and raised in pride necessarily."
After the constant promises betrayed by the Savoy for the supply of ammunition to the people to resist the Austrian Milanese, Cattaneo felt il dovere, dopo la vittoria milanese, di rifiutare un regno Italiano sotto la corona savoiarda al grido di “ Viva il Piemonte e infamia a Carlo Alberto!”

Una volta fatta l’Italia Monarchica e Centralista, questa cercò d’ingraziarsi Cattaneo nominandolo più volte parlamentare, carica che sempre sdegnò e mai onorò per rifiutare di giurare fedeltà al Re.

Insieme a Gianfranco Miglio (1918 – 2001) è il maestro al quale la Lega Nord si è sempre basata per la creazione di un modello federale italiano. Uomini lungimiranti che con anni e secoli d’anticipo hanno saputo vedere una forma di Stato solidale ed elastica al suo interno dove i confini non sono nothing but signs of an unstable socio-economic differences are always ready to adapt to the changes of history. They worked for an Italy Republican, united and federal Europe as a system with a single free trade (and then only money). A system of awards of excellence where the success of a local unit could be reflected as an example for the neighboring lands thus raising the Unitary State as a whole. Here are some excerpts of


" A nation is often divided in several Member , and this disruption can hide much of his power: and a great state is almost always an artificial jumble of many nations that tends to highlight some of them, so they absorb the power of the other "
" Polytechnic "file from 5 to 1842

And so it was with Rome for over a century, from the" southern question "until the fascists' Today's puppet republic absorbed with impunity " power" of Padania.

" Each state of Italy should remain sovereign and free itself . The painful fact of the peoples of France, who have won three times the freedom, and never had her, proves true the saying of our wise old [ed Machiavelli] not be able to preserve the freedom if the people do not keep your hands above : yea, all the people in his house, under the self-assurance and supervision of all others. Every family should have a separate political heritage, its judges, its weapons. But it must give the municipalities with common needs and sizes due partly, to sit with the free and sovereign representation in Congress fraternal across the nation. "
" insurrection in Milan in 1848 and the subsequent war memories "- 1849
Finally I
oppurtuno return the excerpt of a speech by Calderoli on the Unification of Italy:
" The best answer for the celebration of 150 years by the Unit of Italy is through federalism. We realize the unification of Italy.
It is useless to speak of "Unification of Italy" as a totem left to itself. The celebration itself makes little sense. I find that the 150th should be the time to address the problem of the unity of the country and then to give solutions to the diversity of the country that until now have created a posting of problems and I would rather that the differences become an added value.
Well, this is the country's unity, and that is cause for celebration. "

Roberto Calderoli - Minister for Simplification

Maytag Dishwasher Leak


Thoughts of an Italian patriot

Carlo Cattaneo (1801 - 1869) was a revolutionary Milan who became a promoter of a united Italy, and the Federal Republican. In 1848, head of the Council of War, he participated actively in the movements of "Five Days of Milan" by defeating an army improvised the Austrian Empire. He refused the support of the Savoy family as "the enemy of freedom , intolerant religion of others, and raised in pride necessarily."
After the constant promises betrayed by the Savoy for the supply of ammunition to the people to resist the Austrian Milanese, Cattaneo felt il dovere, dopo la vittoria milanese, di rifiutare un regno Italiano sotto la corona savoiarda al grido di “ Viva il Piemonte e infamia a Carlo Alberto!”

Una volta fatta l’Italia Monarchica e Centralista, questa cercò d’ingraziarsi Cattaneo nominandolo più volte parlamentare, carica che sempre sdegnò e mai onorò per rifiutare di giurare fedeltà al Re.

Insieme a Gianfranco Miglio (1918 – 2001) è il maestro al quale la Lega Nord si è sempre basata per la creazione di un modello federale italiano. Uomini lungimiranti che con anni e secoli d’anticipo hanno saputo vedere una forma di Stato solidale ed elastica al suo interno dove i confini non sono nothing but signs of an unstable socio-economic differences are always ready to adapt to the changes of history. They worked for an Italy Republican, united and federal Europe as a system with a single free trade (and then only money). A system of awards of excellence where the success of a local unit could be reflected as an example for the neighboring lands thus raising the Unitary State as a whole. Here are some excerpts of


" A nation is often divided in several Member , and this disruption can hide much of his power: and a great state is almost always an artificial jumble of many nations that tends to highlight some of them, so they absorb the power of the other "
" Polytechnic "file from 5 to 1842

And so it was with Rome for over a century, from the" southern question "until the fascists' Today's puppet republic absorbed with impunity " power" of Padania.

" Each state of Italy should remain sovereign and free itself . The painful fact of the peoples of France, who have won three times the freedom, and never had her, proves true the saying of our wise old [ed Machiavelli] not be able to preserve the freedom if the people do not keep your hands above : yea, all the people in his house, under the self-assurance and supervision of all others. Every family should have a separate political heritage, its judges, its weapons. But it must give the municipalities with common needs and sizes due partly, to sit with the free and sovereign representation in Congress fraternal across the nation. "
" insurrection in Milan in 1848 and the subsequent war memories "- 1849
Finally I
oppurtuno return the excerpt of a speech by Calderoli on the Unification of Italy:
" The best answer for the celebration of 150 years by the Unit of Italy is through federalism. We realize the unification of Italy.
It is useless to speak of "Unification of Italy" as a totem left to itself. The celebration itself makes little sense. I find that the 150th should be the time to address the problem of the unity of the country and then to give solutions to the diversity of the country that until now have created a posting of problems and I would rather that the differences become an added value.
Well, this is the country's unity, and that is cause for celebration. "

Roberto Calderoli - Minister for Simplification