Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Maytag Dishwasher Leak


Thoughts of an Italian patriot

Carlo Cattaneo (1801 - 1869) was a revolutionary Milan who became a promoter of a united Italy, and the Federal Republican. In 1848, head of the Council of War, he participated actively in the movements of "Five Days of Milan" by defeating an army improvised the Austrian Empire. He refused the support of the Savoy family as "the enemy of freedom , intolerant religion of others, and raised in pride necessarily."
After the constant promises betrayed by the Savoy for the supply of ammunition to the people to resist the Austrian Milanese, Cattaneo felt il dovere, dopo la vittoria milanese, di rifiutare un regno Italiano sotto la corona savoiarda al grido di “ Viva il Piemonte e infamia a Carlo Alberto!”

Una volta fatta l’Italia Monarchica e Centralista, questa cercò d’ingraziarsi Cattaneo nominandolo più volte parlamentare, carica che sempre sdegnò e mai onorò per rifiutare di giurare fedeltà al Re.

Insieme a Gianfranco Miglio (1918 – 2001) è il maestro al quale la Lega Nord si è sempre basata per la creazione di un modello federale italiano. Uomini lungimiranti che con anni e secoli d’anticipo hanno saputo vedere una forma di Stato solidale ed elastica al suo interno dove i confini non sono nothing but signs of an unstable socio-economic differences are always ready to adapt to the changes of history. They worked for an Italy Republican, united and federal Europe as a system with a single free trade (and then only money). A system of awards of excellence where the success of a local unit could be reflected as an example for the neighboring lands thus raising the Unitary State as a whole. Here are some excerpts of


" A nation is often divided in several Member , and this disruption can hide much of his power: and a great state is almost always an artificial jumble of many nations that tends to highlight some of them, so they absorb the power of the other "
" Polytechnic "file from 5 to 1842

And so it was with Rome for over a century, from the" southern question "until the fascists' Today's puppet republic absorbed with impunity " power" of Padania.

" Each state of Italy should remain sovereign and free itself . The painful fact of the peoples of France, who have won three times the freedom, and never had her, proves true the saying of our wise old [ed Machiavelli] not be able to preserve the freedom if the people do not keep your hands above : yea, all the people in his house, under the self-assurance and supervision of all others. Every family should have a separate political heritage, its judges, its weapons. But it must give the municipalities with common needs and sizes due partly, to sit with the free and sovereign representation in Congress fraternal across the nation. "
" insurrection in Milan in 1848 and the subsequent war memories "- 1849
Finally I
oppurtuno return the excerpt of a speech by Calderoli on the Unification of Italy:
" The best answer for the celebration of 150 years by the Unit of Italy is through federalism. We realize the unification of Italy.
It is useless to speak of "Unification of Italy" as a totem left to itself. The celebration itself makes little sense. I find that the 150th should be the time to address the problem of the unity of the country and then to give solutions to the diversity of the country that until now have created a posting of problems and I would rather that the differences become an added value.
Well, this is the country's unity, and that is cause for celebration. "

Roberto Calderoli - Minister for Simplification

Maytag Dishwasher Leak


Thoughts of an Italian patriot

Carlo Cattaneo (1801 - 1869) was a revolutionary Milan who became a promoter of a united Italy, and the Federal Republican. In 1848, head of the Council of War, he participated actively in the movements of "Five Days of Milan" by defeating an army improvised the Austrian Empire. He refused the support of the Savoy family as "the enemy of freedom , intolerant religion of others, and raised in pride necessarily."
After the constant promises betrayed by the Savoy for the supply of ammunition to the people to resist the Austrian Milanese, Cattaneo felt il dovere, dopo la vittoria milanese, di rifiutare un regno Italiano sotto la corona savoiarda al grido di “ Viva il Piemonte e infamia a Carlo Alberto!”

Una volta fatta l’Italia Monarchica e Centralista, questa cercò d’ingraziarsi Cattaneo nominandolo più volte parlamentare, carica che sempre sdegnò e mai onorò per rifiutare di giurare fedeltà al Re.

Insieme a Gianfranco Miglio (1918 – 2001) è il maestro al quale la Lega Nord si è sempre basata per la creazione di un modello federale italiano. Uomini lungimiranti che con anni e secoli d’anticipo hanno saputo vedere una forma di Stato solidale ed elastica al suo interno dove i confini non sono nothing but signs of an unstable socio-economic differences are always ready to adapt to the changes of history. They worked for an Italy Republican, united and federal Europe as a system with a single free trade (and then only money). A system of awards of excellence where the success of a local unit could be reflected as an example for the neighboring lands thus raising the Unitary State as a whole. Here are some excerpts of


" A nation is often divided in several Member , and this disruption can hide much of his power: and a great state is almost always an artificial jumble of many nations that tends to highlight some of them, so they absorb the power of the other "
" Polytechnic "file from 5 to 1842

And so it was with Rome for over a century, from the" southern question "until the fascists' Today's puppet republic absorbed with impunity " power" of Padania.

" Each state of Italy should remain sovereign and free itself . The painful fact of the peoples of France, who have won three times the freedom, and never had her, proves true the saying of our wise old [ed Machiavelli] not be able to preserve the freedom if the people do not keep your hands above : yea, all the people in his house, under the self-assurance and supervision of all others. Every family should have a separate political heritage, its judges, its weapons. But it must give the municipalities with common needs and sizes due partly, to sit with the free and sovereign representation in Congress fraternal across the nation. "
" insurrection in Milan in 1848 and the subsequent war memories "- 1849
Finally I
oppurtuno return the excerpt of a speech by Calderoli on the Unification of Italy:
" The best answer for the celebration of 150 years by the Unit of Italy is through federalism. We realize the unification of Italy.
It is useless to speak of "Unification of Italy" as a totem left to itself. The celebration itself makes little sense. I find that the 150th should be the time to address the problem of the unity of the country and then to give solutions to the diversity of the country that until now have created a posting of problems and I would rather that the differences become an added value.
Well, this is the country's unity, and that is cause for celebration. "

Roberto Calderoli - Minister for Simplification