Tuesday, September 29, 2009

How To Get Suction Cup Hooks To Stick


In recent times we see a great fury of any person who thinks differently. The thing is mutual. For example, the fascist and communist hates the other hand, the democratic left hates the democratic right and vice versa (though never admit it), white hate and nigger the black man hates white, ECCC ...
Things that are now collapsing and that we see, no one tries to change, indeed, all these strange cases incite hatred.
Personally, I can report that, when things are anything but good in a family, it is proper that every member take a step back to get on the cart because the alternative is not nothing but failure and nervous. Equal
par should do the ruling classes, whether we speak of a small village that a great nation. If in my village there are dangerous situations or that must be solved immediately, because I have fury with my neighbors asking who caused the problem (and therefore doing nothing but putting discord between us)? I find it more logical to shut up now, run to solve the problem and then discuss the reasons for the problems to avoid in the future.
Am I wrong?
note instead that in many cases we're here to insult each other and do not ever pull together a sensible conclusion thus exacerbating the problem (and fomenting more hatred).
Many times you talk to people they do not Lega filoberlusconiane, the conversation stops on our weak link with Berlusconi. Many do not understand that the league is not in the national Parliament in Rome, but is in the individual municipalities, in the sections of the country, under the gazebo, in meetings, in social and voluntary services in the shop downstairs. Small active people who come formiche lavorano per il bene della comunità in cui vivono e che spesso lavorano gratis per la comunità stessa senza lamentarsene. I nostri parlamentari e rappresentanti altolocati non stanno facendo altro che sistemare, per quanto possibile, (nei lenti, lunghi e contorti processi burocratici all'italiana) i disastri di 50 anni di DC/mafia e gli ultimi 10 di opportunismo post-DC.

Carissimi, io non mi stancherò mai di dirlo. La forza della Lega Nord stà nel popolo che la costituisce e che diversamente dal grande vecchio Partito Comunista non ha solo un grande ideale e non trova la sua forza nell'odio del diverso, ma ha anche idee vere e progetti seri per realizzarlo, tutto nel pieno rispetto e in pace.

Alcuni giorni ago, in our common here in Bergamo, there was a large protest by the Committee in memory of Peppino Impastato traction against a municipality because the League has chosen to call the Library at a great scholar Bergamasco leading figure in the background of 'anti-mafia hero. It was right or wrong decision, I was impressed that 5,000 people and tell five thousand have moved all over Italy to protest against a decision to the second floor in a village that the Mafia does not even know what it is. I believe that this army of 5,000 people would be much easier for the police and the South for its own people if only he had turned against the Mafia in the same way (that does not mean we have to go to kill the Mafia, but prevent him from doing what they do) where it really exists!

Understand? The real problem is that we continue to complain about our problems, we spit in the face one another from the cares of themselves.
I do not see why such hatred.


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