Saturday, October 3, 2009

Davinci Prostectomy,best Practices


the world hurts, it hurts the world
the world hurts, it hurts the world.

hurts me more than anything else
believe that it is a destiny or a conviction
that there is no sign of a remedy in a single individual
that man or woman.

the world hurts, it hurts the world.

hurts me more than anything else
admit that we are all normal men
with the illusion of participating
never understand what we are alone.

the world hurts, it hurts the world.

E ' a malaise that we have within
is the source of our uneasiness
a pain that does not die
that slowly makes us sad and bad.

the world hurts, it hurts the world
the world hurts, it hurts the world
It hurts, it hurts, it hurts ...

's good for me anyway
believe that trust is never
disappeared and suddenly we wake up and reborn a dream
the need for a different life.

the world hurts, it hurts the world.

's good for me anyway
illusion that the answer is a waste
true that the outburst of intolerance
will take root and once again become a chorus.

hurts the world, it hurts the world
But the anger that we bring him
is proof that we are not destroyed by a

inhuman fate so that we can not leave their children and grandchildren

the world hurts, it hurts the world
the world hurts, it hurts the world
It hurts, it hurts, it hurts.

Giorgio Gaber


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