Wednesday, September 8, 2010

What Is The Best Waterproofing Spray For Shoes

Sausage Grammichele, a tradition dating back to 1680

Today is the most important day of religious festivities in honor of St. Maria del Piano, as well as the last, which also sees the end of the Sausage Festival.
A tradition that dates back hundreds of years ago and repeats, as usual, every year the first week of September.
An ancient document, dating back to 1680, describes in detail how to coincide with the feast of St. Maria del Piano, falling on 7 and 8 September of each year, he held a cattle and goods, attracting a huge flow of foreign citizens and so was born the problem of securing adequate food and lodging. From this arose the need to prepare on the spot "a dish" simple and tasty at the same time the "sausage" and the preparation of the product was made locally with readily available tools such as "strains", the "werewolf" to "Capula "flesh del maiale e ottenere la “salsiccia”.
La richiesta del prodotto aumentò a tal punto che l’Amministrazione Comunale dovette redigere nel 1908 un regolamento Igienico – Sanitario che comprendeva le norme relative all’allevamento dei suini e la preparazione del prodotto.
Nel 1951, il Sindaco del Comune descrive in un documento la problematica relativa all’affitto degli stabili del Santuario di S. Maria del Piano che solevano darsi ai macellai per la preparazione della salsiccia.


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