Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Cheat Savegame Editor Air Hauler

Più IVA per tutti!

TIRANA - "The left has no restraint and not take shame. A promise to pay VAT on the TV adaptation was Romano Prodi." Silvio Berlusconi, from Tirana, the case returns to the Sky and rebound on the previous government's decision of VAT to Sky. Thus confirming the words of Economy Minister Giulio Tremonti and accusing the left of "do not be ashamed." In the evening, raising the tone. "This is left by the shame with which we deal - insists - if I were in their shoes, I'd go home, "" if they should be consistent to say in Parliament to bring the VAT at 10% for all but, as that they are not, they will not .

There's also newspaper editors: "I understand the Sky - says Berlusconi - has had a privilege, but I do not understand the papers that instead of wondering why c 'had a special relationship towards Sky attack me, what a shame! Politicians and newspaper editors as La Stampa and Corriere everyone should change jobs, go home ".

E 'the culmination of una giornata cominciata, in Albania, con un primo attacco alla sinistra "che difende i ricchi". Ma anche con il premier che si dice pronto alla marcia indietro sull'Iva per le pay tv. Poi diventa sibillino: "La sinistra perderà la faccia perché aspetto di vedere cosa farà quando Tremonti spiegherà le ragioni del suo agire". E infatti poco dopo il ministro dell'Economia rivelerà: "Il rialzo? Non c'erano alternative, ce lo impone la Ue".

A Tirana il presidente del Consiglio si trova a fronteggiare le polemiche innescate dall'opposizione che lo accusa di conflitto di interessi e la raffica di spot anti-governo sulle reti di Murdoch. Un'offensiva a cui replica tirando dancing in the difficult economic situation of the country and the need to "scrape the barrel" to find resources without putting new taxes.

"If the attack continues - he warns - the government is ready to retrace his steps." One stop that, however, more than a defensive move is a lunge to the opposition: "There is a VAT of 20% for all Sky was 10%. If the left calls, defending the rich and not consumption necessary to go against us but even pulling the conflict of interests at stake, I have nothing against that. When Tremonti has clarified the reasons for his act to the left once again completely lose face in front of Italians. "

Poi tocca a Tremonti che, prima annuncia una probabile fiducia sul decreto anti-crisi, poi, sul caso Sky, tira in ballo Bruxelles. "La norma che rialza l'Iva per i servizi Sky serve per evitare l'apertura di una procedura di infrazione Ue, il cui termine scadeva in questi giorni" spiega il ministro, sottolineando che il governo Prodi si era impegnato con la Commissione europea "ad allineare le aliquote". Passano pochi minuti e Berlusconi si accoda: "La colpa? E' di Prodi".

Tratto da La Repubblica


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