Wednesday, December 10, 2008

What Are Bio Sculpture Nails


It 's the first time that a reform of so broad, as is the current one on fiscal federalism, the parliamentary debate does not lead to clashes, ideological contrasts and vetoes. " Instead in place, and we note with great favor, u n real constructive dialogue between all political forces . The show is the tone of the parliamentary majority and opposition is the attitudes of ministers Bossi and Calderoli that, in recent months, have always declared that the measure is open to contributions from everyone. And to demonstrate this, Bossi and Calderoli transpose in fees the merits of federalism in the text of the amendments submitted by all constructive political forces. E 'a historic moment because there is the awareness that federalism can and should be the tool that will save our country . "We are sure to live a crucial stage because there is the possibility of reforming the state and We hope that this climate of dialogue between the political forces will last throughout the course of the measure to demonstrate that it is finally time to change and modernize the country closer to the citizens. "

These are the words of Frederick Bricolo, Senator Northern League on the discussion held today for the implementation of Federalism Tax as well as our Constitution itself.

Many defenders of the homeland centralist Italian (also nonexistent) forget that our Constitution was written in the key federal as opposed to the long defunct fascist centralism.

I would like to emphasize a few things because too often I hear so many words born of ignorance (in the sense that nn is aware of certain things) and costs nothing:
1. The Northern League is a movement of men and not a party.
2. The League moves for independence and autonomy of Padania. Objective justified historically, culturally and linguistically, and then nothing is unsubstantiated per aria. Basta leggersi un pò di storia e basta vivere un pò la propria terra per capirlo.
3. La Lega Nord ha un'organizzazione che si basa sul rispetto e sulla trasparenza (quindi la facilità di reperire informazioni sui propri componenti - sempre rispettando la privacy) e di conseguenza facilita un rapporto di fiducia nei propri Compatrioti/vicini/amici/colleghi padani. Ha poco valore quindi dire a un Leghista che i nostri rappresentanti hanno la poltrona a Roma e quindi che non dovremmo fidarcene perchè i nostri diretti rappresentanti li conosciamo bene quando addirittura non siamo NOI STESSI.
4. La Lega si basa sul fatto che ogni uomo è libero di fare quel che vuole a casa propria e ha il dovere di rispettare prima di tutto la propria land and who is above its neighbor and the stranger who comes to visit. That said it is logical that those who find themselves on the land of others has a duty to respect it.
This is humanity, not racism.

Padania free!


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