Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Monthly Car Calculator#


Mario Pecoraro, Carpi scholar and journalist, died last January 29 at the Policlinico of Modena for cardiac arrest resulting from kidney failure, after a month in a coma. His ashes rest in the cemetery in Carpi, in the family tomb of his beloved wife. Born October 13, 1946 at Calimera (Lecce), Pecoraro had moved to Carpi forty years ago, teaching the humanities in high schools, actively involved in local political and cultural debate with his articles in newspapers as Light, the Journal , Journal of Carpi, ModenaStoria, Modenapiù , and especially for historical research and conferences on the labor movement and socialist Modena and the Renaissance (he is Giuseppe Bertoni right).
He went silent for fear of disturbing, and not to suffer the indignity of being commemorated by those who hypocritically recently had marginalized and removed from public life and intellectual.
'walk down the street, and to the other people who greeted me yesterday and exchanged views with me now turn to the other side does not see me saying' I can not find partners in local institutions to submit their projects and initiatives culture: they all evaporated. "
In May 1980 an article entitled "The citizens of the protagonists of cultural policy", published in the journal of socialist Light Carpi, Mario Pecoraro clearly expounded his idea of \u200b\u200bcultural policy, which has remained faithful to the last: "We strongly believe in pluralism, participation in decentralization, we Socialists can not but express a clear rejection to the local body which machine "dispenser" of culture. In this all-encompassing presence we intend to oppose a common articulation of centers and cultural events so as to make possible meaningful experiences of self-management, participation and cultural responsibility. For us, culture is not a matter of institutional planning, but a sap that has to move in different organisms. "
course at the time the article was the object of scandal, ridicule and disapproval by the intellectual class prostitute who then (and still) feeds on public donations. And to this day the "culture" at the local level is primarily a matter of institutional planning or the result of some whim of the assessor more or less competent.
But even the printed word - that the eighteenth century, when according to Jürgen Habermas was born the public, was the outburst and the privileged means of exchange and circulation of ideas - at the local level has provided hospitality on a continuous basis for a critical as Mario Pecoraro.
in local newspapers and the news and gossip - or hustler advertising bowl from some generous press office - they prevail over any cultural or critical discourse. The rivistine that every now and then arise are ephemeral, not belonging to large publishing groups have in fact limited resources and, given the limited market of readers and advertisers, field average a couple of years and then are forced to close. As also happened to my Modenapiù , which Pecoraro has always been able to write freely, even when I as an editor / director will not accept the arguments.
"To continue my reflection and to be present in the cultural debate now is that I do not publish books at my expense - he trusted Mario - I do not want scrivere per un giornale che poi mette il mio scritto nella pagina delle lettere, magari tagliandolo. E non mi va di andare a chiederne la pubblicazione, sarebbe un elemosinare umiliante».
Grande fu perciò fu la sua soddisfazione – forse l’ultima - quando qualche tempo fa la Gazzetta gli pubblicò come articolo uno scritto che lui pudicamente aveva inviato alla rubrica delle lettere al direttore (mi sembra che riguardasse un anniversario del generale Manfredo Fanti dimenticato dal Comune di Carpi).
“Una voce fuori dal coro” e “Sguardi su Carpi e oltre” sono le sue due ultime fatiche, raccolte di articoli scritti per passione civile il primo, annotazioni personali di pubblicista senza the second paper. Mario came to my house and let me read the preview to find titles with "just". Books printed at his own expense, not without difficulty.
'When the release of my latest book, "A lone voice," the editor handed me the proofs without the imprint - Mario wrote - to my observation that we do not live - thank God - in times of absolute regimes and crime in which the opposition was left with the underground press, I would answer verbatim: "But, you know, we work for the City and in his book, there are sharp criticism against the municipal administration." Let me see - I reply - If not given the date of publication and the name of the printer (which is postulated by law), the book is like it was printed, as it was in the nineteenth century, to the bush. "
There, now Mario Pecoraro is no longer among us, who died prematurely 61 years, but we can not tolerate that his memory be made also on the run from Modena (Carpi and a) hostile and indifferent that both have anxious in his last difficult and painful part of life. Did you want to go in order not to disturb the silence, dear Mario, forgive us if we break this silence to vigorously reaffirm your freedom, professionalism, integrity and intelligence.

Roberto Gazzotti



Più che uno storico in senso stretto, uno studioso, un osservatore scrupoloso e curioso di diversi aspetti del suo tempo nei dintorni di casa e oltre. Sono le sue pubblicazioni e ricerche a dimostrarlo.
Forse non è un caso che Mario Pecoraro sia stato un appassionato e abile cercatore di funghi, esperto di una gamma assai vasta di varietà commestibili: altrettanto vari, infatti, sono stati gli ambiti di interesse in cui si è concentrato per la stesura dei suoi libri.
A parte collaborazioni di tipo giornalistico con diverse testate, which he dedicated all his life, the first works 'full bodied' date back to the eighties, starting with institutions over the centuries Carpi hospital, where, at least at the provincial level, was a pioneer in the field of archival research and medical care , a topic in depth followed assistance in Carpi the fourteenth century to the present day (1997) and, as co-curator, with the Proceedings of the conference on The Church of Modena and the question of the XIII -XVII (2001).
Socialism Carpi in the pages of "Light" and the care of hundred years of socialist press in Lower Padania, are instead in the works which enters his heart, throbbing sync that way for a kind of meta-sharing policy. Similarly, later work found the same inspiration: in the nineties, two volumes on The figure and work of two prominent socialists in the local history primonovecentesca, Gregory Agnini (which will be an inspiration for the 1997 conference, organized by Mario in collaboration with Julian Muzzioli) and Alfredo Bertesi . Researcher
multifaceted, constantly attentive to the transmission of knowledge and its communication vehicles for free and independent publications such as laughing the Carpi. Eighty-five years of print-humorous satirical (1991), or Laughing as the Modena (1996, in collaboration with S. Bellei) but also The high school teaching: problems and prospects (1991) offer a practical demonstration of this feature of Mario. He wrote a monograph on
Ciro Menotti. A man who did Italy (1996) and was proud of having made some unusual contributions to the study and knowledge of the hero / revolutionary, such as date of birth, established once and for all in 22 and not in January 23, as had always hitherto erroneously reported, even on the gravestone in the church of Spezzano. Even from here flowed a meeting with relevant Acts, on conspiracy Este .
Con diversi compagni e collaboratori redasse in due volumi il Dizionario biografico dei Carpigiani del Novecento sul finire degli anni Novanta, e fornì contributi alla stesura del Dizionario Biografico degli Italiani Treccani.
Scrisse qualcosa sugli aspetti dell'artigianato carpigiano, Impara l'arte ed entrane a far parte (1998), nel 2002 è sua una delle relazioni in Arte e istruzione musicale a Carpi , uscito in occasione dei 200 anni dell'Istituto musicale pareggiato A. Tonelli. È del 2002 il volume Dal Consorzio Acquedotto a Sorgea , del 2004 Vent'anni insieme: storia del Movimento della terza età carpigiana , del 2005 Glimpses of a personal diary Carpi and beyond.
strongly convinced of the importance of action at popular culture in all its manifestations and occasion, be it artistic, historical or scientific, Mario Pecoraro always tried to combine events and initiatives, such as an exhibition or a conference commemorating or celebrating a volume that would collect those contributions and to stop them significant, the result of study and research that would otherwise fade, if entrusted only to a temporary exhibition or vice versa. For this you went so far as to write a 'libel', so he called it, a History of an exhibition. A story that verges on the grotesque , which complained about the "turnaround" a body with respect to commitments and signed to make an exhibition designed by Mario from which we then be published. There were a polemic (just read the appendix of one of his last publications, A lone voice ) with threats of lawsuits, from this situation was able to come out the true nature of this man. I certainly "very fearful of his own shadow" as he needed someone, a true seeker of mushrooms when he smells the presence nearby, did not hesitate to venture out to the rough paths of the forest. Along one of which has now been banished forever.

Giuseppe Bertoni


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