Friday, January 18, 2008

Lindsey Dawn Makenzie


associations and institutions protection of asylum
express deep concern over statements made by the government of Tripoli
through a press release with whom and '
was announced that all illegal immigrants present in Italy
will be removed without exception. This would, according to an estimate of
authorities' Libyan, 2 million people, including many
asylum seekers and refugees, the majority originating from the Horn of Africa, women and children
. The plight of illegal migrants, arrested or detained in Libya
, denounced by various humanitarian agencies, and confirmed by
testimony of foreigners arriving in Italy, and 'alarming
what' regarding the treatment in detention centers for migrants,
particularly hard, and frequent violence in which migrants are subjected
. In addition, concerned about the conditions of thousands of children who
are at greater risk of violence and abuse, without any
type of special protection. The Ministry of the Interior

Amato signed on December 29 last
an agreement for joint maritime patrols with Libyan Foreign Minister Abdurrahman Mohamed Shalgam
. The agreement, which falls under the
measures to combat irregular arrivals by sea
coming from Libya, also provides for the transfer di risorse economiche al Governo di

In mancanza di un sistema di garanzie e di controlli sulla sorte effettiva
delle persone intercettate in mare e restituite alle autorita’ libiche,
gli accordi di collaborazione, il cui contenuto e i cui oneri di spesa non
sono comunque mai stati resi noti, ne’ sono stati discussi in Parlamento
chiamano direttamente in causa gravi responsabilita’ dell’Italia, in
relazione alle violazioni dei diritti umani fondamentali che in territorio
libico possono essere commesse a danno dei migranti riportati in Libia a
seguito delle operazioni di pattugliamento navale e successivamente
deportati verso i paesi di origine.
Therefore, we ask
* The Italian government and European Union to take immediate pressure on Libya to
'does not implement the announced program of mass deportation
* The Italian government to disclose the agreements to date
concluded with Libya on immigration, and related costs
that Italy has supported or will support.
* The Italian government to suspend the current arrangements because of
apparent total lack of guarantees on the rights of migrants in Libya
* The Italian government to review Italy's participation in the program
Frontex, which could have a
negative impact on access to protection in Europe and to encourage, even implicitly, Libya
mass deportations of migrants and asylum-seekers to
risk areas.
* The Italian government and the European Union to ensure, in consultation with the UNHCR and
organizations representing the interests of asylum,
measures for strengthening the protection of refugees still present in Libya.

Signatories, ASGI, ARCI, ICS, Central Astalli, CIR, No Border,
Federation of Evangelical Churches in Italy, Save The Children, Amnesty International
- Italian.


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